"Well-behaved women seldom make history."
- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Photoblog - my best moments of being a stripper

I got a question from a reader that if I'm not so happy in my profession why did I choose this one. I think I wrote down enought time that I chose this because it was a good opportunity to travel. But I started dancing 7 years ago. 7 years is a long period and people change. I also changed. I was happy doing this job but now when I traveled from Canada to China, I have different goals in my life and I look for other options. I think it's absolutely normal in a person's life when she/he realise it's time to make certain changes. 7 years I showed to the world my sexy body. Now I feel it's time to show that I also have a beautiful soul!

And about my best moments.. here are they:

That's a photo montage I selected from my Facebook albums. I only used the photos where I'm alone, I don't want to cause trouble to other dancers who wish to keep their identity a secret. But if I never had chosen to live in this way, I couldn't have these pictures. And as my mum used to say: "These are the memories that nobody can take away from you!"

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